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Created by @xioaib, Threads.

What inspired me? For over a year, I have been a big fan of podcasts and audiobooks. I gained a lot of information, but I realized that every week there are at least 2 podcasts in my reading list that I can't dedicate 8-10 hours to because of my busy schedule. I also can't give up listening completely, and I already have hundreds of audiobooks in my reading list. As a result, I had to choose between work and listening/reading. So, I thought to take advantage of AI and summarize podcasts and books in a manageable form.


We use secure email-only authentication and don't store or access user passwords. We only collect user emails to verify authentication, and for payments, we use Lemon Squeezy. We don't yet collect any other cookies or user behavior data. We don't share or sell users' personal data. We may use users' generated summaries to improve the AI model for better summary results.


We don't sell summaries or summarize files from other platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts) in an unauthorized way. We only provide an AI summarization service that will summarize users' uploaded files or YouTube URLs, because YouTube openly provides access to video transcripts.